Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Rain Scald and skin Fungal Bacteria

With all the rain, Solli and Splash got fungal on the head.  Poor Bill all over!  Paid through the nose for a meicated shampoo and washed Splash and Bill as they were together.  Took over an hour to do Bill as had  to take it gently.
  Then away working all week - camping out, and when came back, Bill looked shocking!  Got him worming pellets, and have started hard feed once a day. (mixture of boiled barley,chaff, pollard and Coolfuel) give a bit to the chooks with their food re newborn chicks! )
  I washed Splash and Bill last week, Solli on his own.  Funny, Solli got better all by himself - makes you think!
  I rubbed vege oil on Bill re scald after this phot, and most off and new hair growin in as of 3 days later.
  And worming plus feed, he is already starting to look better.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

I'ts raining again!

Forecast for the next week of rain, rain,rain!  Held off enough today for 2 loads of washing to dry on the line and to mow the lawn.  had to move friend's horse and Splash in with Solli.  Solli has his nose out of joint because he is no longer boss man - friend's mare is!!
  Going to be a bit of waste of time to fix fences yet incase we have another flood.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Not much sleep

No landline phs working or even mobile network - just my pute on broardband - so am leaving on, and checking river every half hr in case rises bad again.  It rose to it's height twice last night, in under 15 minutes the 2nd time!


For the first time in 15mths, stayed away overnight (Had a work xmas party) and came home to find my dog loose, and Splash gone, fences washed away!
  Dog appeared as soon as I called him, Splash had been moved with friend's horse to higher ground, and my chook pen gate opened as high flooding and evacuation!

As you can see - no dividing fences anymore!

Now I have to pull out, and re build!

People ask why I live in a small town - well here is the proof - people here saved my animals while I was away!
This photo shows how high the river was (the debrie) on the far bank that is higher than the bank on my side! It is still raining, and the river has risen up again - so not much sleep tonight!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Finally a Break in the Weather!!

Finally got to take Jack for a ride on Splash!  He enjoyed himself, and did a few trots, and Splash was as good as gold!  Had just put the rug back on and it showered again!  Hoping to give Splash a good ride tomorrow morning as supposed to be fine until lunch time.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Have had very heavy rain, and the rivers and creeks come down - constant rain so no work with the horses.  Had to move Splash re worry of flood.  As you can see, the river is flowing well - this is Jack on the fence post of Splash's paddock at the back of my place - and the river had receded since I moved Splash.
  It is still  raining all night now, and I have had the river come up to my back yard before!

Borrowed saddle for Jack

Jack has to ride at Pony Club in a GP, but he feels more secure in my stock saddle, but I don't have a surcingle, so a friend has lent me his son's for the Christmas Camp over.
  It was dry as, and dirty (didn't think to take photo of it before I cleaned it) a real small kids saddle.
  But with all the rain, that off, maybe not even the day - may be postponed.
The saddle is after cleaning, soaking in neatsfoot oil, polishing and cleaning the brass studs.  The next phot is of the same brass fittings on the surcingle, on the right is the un polished, the left is the polished.  Don't worry, in real life it shines gold - I'm just not that a professional photo expert!

Bill coming up

Bill has come along - standing still to be caught when I have the halter - walks up to me without the halter.  I have chipped away a bit more at his front hoves, not so bad now.  But will not be doing much with Bill until my son starts school next yr.
  I have ordered 2 sets of obsolete jump stands from our Pony Club, as I have always thought Bill would be an Eventer.  Found out from a friend who used to Event, that Bill's grandsire was an International Eventer!
  May have a star in the making here!
I have moved Bill to a 1and a 1/2 acre paddock - so just brush, trim hooves, lead round town until late Jan.

fun taking photo of bill while hand on his head!