Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jack & Splash

Jack is nearly 5yrs and Splash is 3yrs.  They are my front page.
  I had a TB I had re trained from the track going well, but not enough time  or money to spend with him, so swopped him for a "3yr".  Knew she was only a yearling , weedy skinny thing- she had been broken in, got her anyway because I could train her the way I wanted, and didn't want her to be bought by someone that would ride her young, and she broken down by 6yrs old!
  She like a Paint X Welsh, and my Jack then  3yr old, named her Splash (she looks like she has been splashed with white paint from underneath - but also loves splashing herself on hot days in the water trough!)
  Jack was just old enough to work the paddock gate, and I would find him with Splash either sitting while she grazed, or him walking around the paddock and Splash following him like a dog!
  I did ground work with her for another 18mths, put Jack on for a ride (she now about 13hh plus) and as I am only light, she is big enough for me to train and work slightly (don't want her too fit for a Led Rider), but IF Jack keeps riding, they will have a lot of years together!
  Was going to post a phot of J & S but google won;t let me!

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