Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jack & Splash's 1st pony Club Rally

  Silly me forgot bring a Camera to take a photo - but when you are lugging a saddle, bridle, grooming kit and walking half a km -  you don't think about a camera!  (I have never got a Driver's licience, and live close to the Pony Club grounds).   I lunged Splash when she got excited seeing the other horses turn up.  (we are a country PC so most come from propeties)  Then tied her up near the horses and she was fine.
  Got a bit excited when starting, walking very fast, and did a bit of a jump when others started trotting ( as Splash is only 3yrs, and Jack led rider, and 1st time for both surrounded by horses - only at a walk). But Jack stayed the jump well!
  Before the kids started cantering - got Jack off to stay by Instructor (a friend of mine) while I led Splash around.
  And didn't she go off!!   Rearing and bucking and carrying on!  But I played the lead, let her get over it, and stayed calm and calmed her.
  She settled, and 20 mins later was as good as gold for Jack - even their first Flag Practice!  And they did a bit of trotting too!
  Instructor and I think Splash did well her first time out - and so did Jack!

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